I was set to be induced on the 23rd but my water broke while I was walking home from the neighbors house the night before. My contractions were 2-3 minutes apart and I couldn't even feel them. They started me on an antibiotic as soon as I got to the hospital...after poking me 4 times and finally it worked. We started the petocin about 4 ours after we arrived, and then I got the epidural at 5:45 AM. I almost didn't get it...he had to poke me 3 or 4 different times before it finally worked. My back has been so sore! You have got to love it! Everything went great. I was competing with the girl in the next room over...we had the same doctor and were both dialated to and eight! She ended up going first so they were hurrying to get her baby here because Lilly was coming fast! Our babies were born within 13 minutes of eachother. Its amazing how the whole process works! These little babies are such miracles. We are so blessed to have Lilly and Emma!
We got home around noonish on Christmas Eve! It feels great to be home and all together again. I missed Emma a lot more than I thought I was going to. She is one of the best big sisters and a big helper!
We will update more later!